IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies
13 - 16 June 2016, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
With special attention for nutrients on Wednesday 15 June in Session 2: “Circular economy - Recovery of water, energy and nutrients“.
9 - 10 June 2016, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Sustainable ingredients, food waste and marketing developments will be featured in this European edition of the Sustainable Foods Summit. Like previous editions, the summit will bring together leading organisations involved in eco-labels and sustainability in the food industry.
9 - 10 June 2016, Munich, Germany. Program available here.
You can register via:
5 - 10 June 2016, Kazan, Russia
All fields of Phosphorus Chemistry will be considered, from fundamental to applied areas, including multidisciplinary approaches and related areas of other sciences. An exciting program of oral and poster presentations will be featured, including lecture from the Laureate-2015 of the International Arbuzovs Prize. School-Conference for PhD students and Post-Docs “Rational Design of Phosphorus Substances with Desired Properties” will be held in the frame of the Conference.
1 June 2016, Paris, France
The WssTP Working Groups Nano4Water and WG Membrane Innovation and Education for Water are organising a Workshop: “Nano-materials and related membrane technologies for water: resource recovery and recycling". More information and registration:
30 - 31 May 2016, Ghent, Belgium
During this 3-day conference, delegates from university, industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations and venture capital providers will present their views on industrial biotechnology, sustainable (green) chemistry and agricultural policy related to the use of renewable raw materials for non-food applications and energy. For the session 'Nutrient & energy Cycling', abstracts are accepted for both oral & poster presentation until February 29, 2016.
30 May - 3 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium
This event tries to contribute to answering a broader question of how to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe. Elements such as, for example, innovation for greener cities, sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems or the role of innovative instruments in mobilising adequate financing and 'blue growth' would naturally fit into the programme. For more details contact
30 May - 3 June 2016, Munich, Germany
World's leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management
12 May 2016, Lyon, France
Struvite recovery workshop organized by the PHORWater project on Integral Management Model for Phosphorus recovery and reuse from Urban Wastewater
5 - 7 May 2016, Shanghai, China
Asia's leading trade fair for environmental technology solutions: water, waste, air and soil
3 May 2016, 10:00 - 15:30, Brussels, Belgium
Fertilizers Europe Conference “Opportunities in the EU nutrient legislation: what to look out for”.
Program can be found here.
Deadline for registration 13 April 2016 via
3 - 4 May 2016, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dublin Airport, Ireland
See the Event flyer and the Sponsorship Opportunities flyer for more informations
22 April 2016, 10:00 - 17:15, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague, Netherlands
This conference is organized by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Centre of Expertise on Resources and representatives from Dutch industry. The conference will explore how Europe can further strengthen, and improve information compilation and exchange systems on raw materials with businesses, science and research institutes, as well as governments. The aim is to present a proposal for a platform that will enhance the compilation and exchange of information, on the need for, and availability of raw materials. The European Commission started a few years ago assessing the security of rare earth supply. The organizers would like to see this initiative expanded for all relevant European raw materials (including organic materials) on a continuous basis. Confirmed key note speakers:
Hans de Boer, President of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW)
Dirk Jan Koch: Special Envoy on Natural Resources, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
For more info
21 April 2016, Den Haag, Netherlands
Inspired by the recent report of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy, entitled "Towards a Food Policy", the EESC's Various Interests Group will hold an extraordinary meeting at the Dutch Economic and Social Council (Sociaal-Economische Raad/SER) in The Hague.
21 April 2016, Brussels, Belgium
20 April 2016, Helsinki, Finland
Opportunities to recycle nutrients can be found almost anywhere - from field margins to pipelines of wastewater purification plants. Innovations are being created and Finland is firmly committed to making progress as a model country in nutrient recycling. Come and meet top international experts to learn about new ways of recycling nutrients. The Finish government is launching a three-year experimental and piloting programme for nutrient recycling with a total funding of 12.4 million euros.
Registration now open and program online.
You can present your experiments and experiences in nutrient cycling on the Forum of Solutions.
14 April 2016, 09:00 – 14:00, NH Utrecht, Netherlands
This event is organised in the framework of the EU-funded project BioSTEP that aims to promote a participative governance of the European bioeconomy through the engagement of stakeholders and citizens. In the context of the 4th BioEconomy Stakeholders’ Conference and as a follow up to the BioSTEP’s stakeholder consultation carried out in November and December 2015, BioSTEP will organise a policy workshop, to which relevant stakeholders will be invited in order to discuss existing policy challenges related to the future development of the European bioeconomy and potential policy measures to address them.
12 - 13 April 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands
BioEconomy Utrecht 2016, the fourth BioEconomy Stakeholders’ Conference, will take place on 12-13 April 2016 in Utrecht, the Netherlands, under the auspices of the Dutch EU Presidency. The event is co-organised by the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and the European Commission. The conference is an action under the European Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan, and as such also serves as an important input to the future orientation of the European Bioeconomy Strategy, which will be reviewed and evaluated in 2016.
12 - 13 April 2016, Uppsala, Sweden
This conference will discuss the state of the knowledge on pharmaceuticals, their environmental effects and how to reduce the release of pharmaceuticals to the water – both internationally and domestically. The topics will cover the lifecycle of pharmaceuticals looking at the three major points of release to the environment: Production, usage and disposal.
6 April 2016, Brussels, Belgium
EBA workshop dedicated to discussing the bio-based sector and the use of digestate for a sustainable agriculture, within the frame of the Circular Economy
5 April 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands
Stakeholder workshop about micronutrient management for improving harvests, farmers’ incomes, human nutrition, and the environment.
For program and registration: http://knowledge4food.net/event/micronutrients-workshop