Yara UK and Cranfield University, Sustainable Fertiliser Manager
My background is in soil science with a PhD focusing on the interactions between plant and soil. I am currently acting as a knowledge bridge between Cranfield university and Yara UK to collaboratively explore the efficacy and viability of organo-mineral fertilisers as a commercially available product in the UK.
I’m not only interested in assessing the ability of organo-mineral fertilisers to deliver comparable yields as conventional alternatives but also in their effect on the environment. I am investigating their impact on the soil and measuring their capacity for restorative agriculture. I am also interested in their wider impact on the environment by assessing their gaseous emissions and testing their susceptibility as a pollutant to water courses.
My role also extends to gathering knowledge relating to the production of organo-mineral fertilisers in the UK. This includes assessing the availability and mapping potential feedstocks as well as experimenting with different feedstocks to determine which recipes have the most desirable characteristics.
Company website: www.yara.co.uk
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/emma-burak-a053631b0